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To make your stay more pleasant, you can use the facilities of the small Rehabilitation Center to work-out and renew your energy after a challenging trip, warm your bones after a cold winter day or just enjoy relaxation and well-being.
We will be happy to make this experience more pleasant for you by providing a drinking regimen – whether you prefer a bottle of smooth Prosecco, a dewy beer or a mug of fruit juice, we are happy to serve you 🙂
Whole Center can be enjoyed as individuals or as a closed group.
To make your stay more pleasant, you can use the facilities of the small Relax Center to renew your energy after a challenging trip, warm your bones after a cold winter day or just enjoy relaxation and well-being.
We will be happy to make this experience more pleasant for you by providing a drinking regimen – whether you prefer a bottle of smooth Prosecco, a dewy beer or a mug of fruit juice, we are happy to serve you 🙂
Both saunas and the whirlpool can be enjoyed as individuals or as a closed group.

The Finnish (dry) sauna has a beneficial effect on the body's immunity and regeneration. At Smrekovica Lodge you can enjoy relaxation in the environment of a cozy Finnish sauna with a capacity of 4 people. If you want to enjoy the sauna in private, we will prepare a sauna just for you and your family / friends.

The Turkish (steam) sauna warms the body and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Due to the high (up to 100%) humidity, the Turkish sauna does not heat up to such high temperatures as the classic Finnish sauna. Thanks to the pleasant temperature of around 45 °C, practically everyone can handle a steam sauna.

Sore feet? Screaming children? Cold body..? Leave everything behind and load yourself into the whirpool! Whirpool has a beneficial effect on a person's health. Hydromassage has a positive effect on a person's physical and mental health.
Max. 4 people
Max. 4 people
Private access to all Rehabilitation Center services
Tips and tricks - How to take a sauna properly